USNH Telecommunications

On-Campus Calls

UNH Information Technology Knowledge Base: On-Campus Calls

Off-Campus Calls

UNH Information Technology Knowledge Base: Off-Campus Calls

Send All Calls To Voice Mail

UNH Information Technology Knowledge Base: Send All Calls To voicemail

Transferring a Call

Single-line telephones:
  1. Place the call on hold by depressing switch hook for one second.
  2. After hearing the confirmation tone, dial the five-digit extension number.
  3. To complete the transfer either hang up or announce the call then hang up.
Series T64 multi-button digital telephones:
  1. Press the TRANSFER button then dial the five-digit extension number.
  2. To complete the transfer either announce the call then press the TRANSFER button, or just press the TRANSFER button.
T9608 VoIP and T9611 VoIP Phones:
  1. During the call, press the button listed under "Transfer"
  2. Dial the telephone number
  3. Press the button listed under "Complete"
T9641 VoIP Phones:
  1. During the call, on the screen press the "Transfer" button
  2. Dial the telephone number
  3. On the screen, press the "Complete" button

Call Forwarding

UNH Information Technology Knowledge Base: Call Forwarding

Redial Last Number

Single-line telephones:

Dial *4 to redial the last number you called. Authorization codes must be entered each time if the call is long distance.

Series T64XXD+ multi-button digital telephones:

Press the button labeled REDIAL or LAST NUMBER DIALED if programmed on your telephone, otherwise, dial *4.

T9608 VoIP and T9611 VoIP Phones:
  1. Press the button with phone icon/labeled "Phone"
  2. Press the button found beneath the word "Redial"
T9641 VoIP Phones:

  1. Press the button with phone icon/labeled "Phone"
  2. On the screen, touch "Redial"

Redial Number from History

T9608 VoIP and T9611 VoIP Phones:
  1. Press the History button
  2. Use the up and down buttons to find the person or number you want to call
  3. Press the button left of the person or number you want to call
*Note: You can use the left and right button to view a list of "All Calls", "Missed", "Answered", or "Outgoing" calls.

T9641 VoIP Phones:
  1. Press the History button
  2. Use the up and down buttons to find the person or number you want to call
  3. On the screen, touch the line of the person or number you want to call
*Note: You can use 4 icons at the top right of the screen to view a list of "All Calls", "Missed", "Answered", or "Outgoing" calls.
Image from page 23 of The Bell System technical journal (1922)